So last Friday, as i was trying to fall asleep and was semi-conscious to the world, I felt something on my leg. Me being super smart, and super groggy, reached down, grabbed whatever it was (cause i thought, hey, maybe a moth got into my room), and chucked it across the room...I proceeded to turn on my light and search for whatever creature decided to crawl into bed with me. Lo and behold, this creature was in fact NOT a was a CUCARACHA!!!! AHHHHH! Yeah, gross, disgusting, i know...and the little booger was too fast for me to crush =( since then, I've seen two other baby cockroaches in my bathroom...they have been terminated...two on my terrace...they were fed to the ants...and just the other day, I found my Cucaracha friend that rudely decided to crawl into bed with me...literally...and crushed it with my handy dandy red converse! So, as of now, I am 5-5 in cucaracha elimination! WOOO!!
Other than the cucaracha boogers, I've had some geckos spend a night or too, but i don't mind. I like them =]
Picture isn't mine, but it's fitting!
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