Wow, I can't believe I have already been in Mérida for over a week!! Time is flying by....a little too fast D=
So much has happened in the past week that I don't even know where to begin!!!
Let's just start off with everywhere I walk, I end up dripping in sweat...its gross..but hey, that's life here in the Yucatán for us gringos!
UADY- Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán...this is my new school, and I love it! The campus is open, so when you walk down the hallways, it is like you are outside...literally...with ants, geckos, gatos, tarantulas, and other creepy crawly bugs. It is starting to grow on me. If I wasn't graduating in the spring, I would definitely stay for another semester. There's palm trees and plumeria trees (my foot tattoo flower) everywhere!
Classes--- so, since my español skills aren't super great, classes have been a little struggle, but the great thing about UADY is the openness and kindness of its students and faculty. I am taking 3 freshmen courses (as a senior) and a junior level course, but I am ok with that. Classes include: Español, Orígenes de la Civilización, Historia Cultural del Área Maya, Historia y Evolución del Turismo, y Geografía del Turismo. My classmates are amazing and have become some of my close friends here....
...and now time to describe mis amigos nuevos!!!
So, these are just a couple of my new friends and classmates! I've hit it off pretty well and they have been great to me! Super welcoming and extremely helpful! I guess it was fortunate that we've had a bunch of cancelled classes...great bonding time =]
As for other excursions in Mérida, last Saturday (25th) I went to Dzibilchaltun, where more ancient Mayan Ruins are located...along with the largest series of steps in the mayan area. One of the temples there becomes illuminated when the sun aligns perfectly with the windows during the spring equinox. I also got to stick my feet in a cenote where little baby fishies had a blast attacking my feet. After that, the group went to La Ría Progreso where we kayaked in channels made by the mangrove trees! followed by fresh limonada and a yummy lunch at the beach. After a short bus ride back to Mérida, a nice cold shower, and a short nap, I headed out to La Noche Mexicana in el Remate de Montejo to meet up with Ellie (girl from my group) and some of her mexicano friends. We saw live performances of traditional dance, native to the Yucatán and México followed by a late evening snack of Panuchos.

Other than going to school, and taking small side trips to shopping centers, i've been walking...a lot..everywhere...hence the dripping sweat...hahaha
This past week consisted of classes, hanging out with mis amigos nuevos during 'class', ice cream, learning español, and taking random adventures into el centro for an evening snack at Café Chocolate